Late breaking abstracts submission
The Scientific Committee invites you to submit your late breaking abstracts for consideration and inclusion in the Late-Breaking News Sessions that will take place during the 30th EADV Congress.
Abstracts may be submitted after having obtained all rights from authors to proceed with the submission.
Please note that the submission of each abstract has an administrative cost of 100€. The submission process is concluded with your payment of said amount to the EADV. Authors of rejected, incomplete or incorrectly submitted abstracts will not be refunded and will not benefit from an oral presentation during the congress
The EADV Scientific Programming Committee will review all abstracts and select the best ones (for a predetermined number of slots). The Authors of selected abstracts are invited to present their research for 10 minutes, followed by a 5 minute live Q&A during the Late-Breaking News Sessions. Rejected abstracts will not be presented in any form during the congress.
Abstracts will be evaluated according to, but not limited to, the following criteria:
- Abstract Content: interesting, informative, novel or important.
- Methods: valid, relevant results, and conclusions justified by data
- Data: presented with clarity and with appropriate structure
- Text: well written with clear syntactic style
Late Abstract Submission Opening: 4 August 2021
Late Abstract Submission Deadline: 18 August 2021
Late Abstract Evaluation Deadline: 6 September 2021
Copyright and publication of abstracts
Submission of an abstract implies that it has been approved by all listed authors.
The Scientific Programming Committee reserves the right to make the final decision concerning the form of presentation.
As part of the submission, the author grants EADV the exclusive right to first publish the abstract, and thereafter a non-exclusive right to publish, reproduce, distribute, display and store the abstract worldwide in all forms (including on the EADV website), formats and media now known or as developed in the future, including print, electronic and digital forms. For the avoidance of doubt, “electronic and digital forms” shall include but shall not be limited to databases, USB and forms accessible via electronic and digital networks, wireless transmission and communication systems. The author also grants EADV the exclusive right to retain income resulting from the above-mentioned publications by EADV. No fee shall be paid to the author by EADV for the license granted herein. The author will retain copyright of his or her abstract, including the pertaining moral rights. However, the author shall only reuse, reproduce or post the abstract with acknowledgment to the initial and first publication or presentation at an EADV event, and therefore reference the name of the EADV event and the date.
The License of Copyright Use between EADV and the author is governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland.
Accepted abstracts will be published on our official website.
online poster service
All information concerning e-Poster submission will be sent out by e-mail through the EADV’s service provider.
Authors that are selected for e-Poster presentation are requested to prepare a PDF file adhering to the following rules:
- Only material in PDF format will be accepted.
- All e-Posters should be created in landscape (horizontal) orientation.
- To assure the best quality of your e-Poster, we recommend that the .pdf file has the size of an A0 sheet (1189mm x 841 mm or 33.11 × 46.81 inches).
- Commercial names, registered trademarks and pharmaceutical company logos cannot be used within the e-Poster, this also includes photos of commercial equipment.
- Product name should be replaced by its active ingredient.
- Animated images and animations are not permitted and will be non-functioning.
- Photographs should at all times protect the privacy and identity of the subject. Eyes should be blacked out.
Authors will be also given the possibility to associate a short audio description (maximum of 4 minutes) to their e-poster.
After the Congress
All e-Posters will be made available online on www.eadv.org only for EADV members. If you do not agree with the online publication of your poster, please notify the EADV Scientific Department in advance by e-mail.

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European Academy
of Dermatology and Venereology
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